Kandy Chief Magistrate Udaya Karalliyadde ordered that the charges against two medical students of attempting to murder a fellow student of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Peradeniya be sent to the Mediation Board for determination, This order was made after the conclusion of non-summary proceedings.
Upon being asked by the Chief Magistrate whether he had anything to submit to court after non-summary proceedings concluded, counsel for the accused Attorney- at- Law Nanda Senanayake said that there was no evidence of a murder being committed and therefore requested that his clients be set free.
The Magistrate said that he would call for a written report from the Medical Officer on the matter and court was adjourned for the day. When the case was taken up on Friday (6) after perusing the report of the Medial Officer the Chief Magistrate ordered that since the charges now came under section 316 of the Penal Code, the Plaint would be sent to the Mediation Board for determination.
The Peradeniya Police prosecuted while Attorney-at-Law Nanda Senanayake appeared for the Defence.