Thursday, March 29, 2012

FUTA (Pera) condemns SB’s statement

By Cyril Wimalasurendre, The Island.

KANDY: The Federation of University Teachers’ Association’s Peradeniya Branch totally rejected and condemned a statement purported to have been made by Higher Education Minister S. B. Dissanayake recently that the security personnel of the Peradeniya University were supplying ganja (cannabis) to university students.

A statement released by the FUTA Peradeniya Branch under the signatures of the President D. P. Abeyratne and Secretary A. S. Liyanage yesterday (28) said that Minister Dissanayake had made an unreasonable and undue accusation.

"What we observe from the statement is that he is making a vicious attempt to ridicule the entire university student population through the security personnel that they are addicts to intoxicants such as drugs and cannabis and create the impression in the public that the university students are a set of vagabonds, and thereby promote the private university concept," the release adds.

The release has highlighted the valuable service rendered by the university security personnel under trying conditions with a sense of responsibility and coordination.

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