By Kelum Bandara

While describing the outcome of yesterday’s talks with the government as 'neither positive nor negative’, the Federation of University Teachers (FUTA), said it would decide whether to call off the long drawn trade union action or not after an executive committee meeting today.
However, Education Ministry Secretary Dr. Sunil Jayantha Navaratne was optimistic that the trade union action would end today or tomorrow. Dr. Navaratne said yesterday’s talks with the FUTA ended on a positive note, and the parties concerned were able to narrow their differences to a great extent.
“There was no major issue. I think the problem will be solved,” he said.
FUTA Chairman Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri, meanwhile, said two of their key demands – a road map for the rectification of salary anomalies and the removal of conditions attached to the research and development allowance- were not met during talks yesterday.
Dr. Devasiri said the salary structure proposed by the government for university teachers was anyway agreeable to them this time.
“We asked for a monthly salary of Rs.120, 000 for a senior professor. Yet, the government agreed only to give Rs.115, 000. We do not have major grievances about it. Yet, some of our additional demands were not met,” he said.