Monday, September 17, 2012

The lack of guidance or alternatives

The Care of Children — 9

 , The Island

By Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha

A friend from England who was visiting recently was surprised when someone of the same age, with a son doing O/Levels, just as her daughter is, was not deeply concerned about what the youngster would do next. I thought her concern excessive, until it struck me that Sri Lankans living in Colombo are as concerned as she is about the educational prospects of their children. It is the rural folk who think less about the matter.

Obviously this is not because they are less concerned about what their children will do. Rather, it is because there is no point in thinking. In the vast majority of rural areas, there are simply no alternatives for the children. They have to go through the school system for what it is worth, many of them without opportunity to do well in Maths or Science, so that they would have options as to careers.

So they strive desperately to do well in their O/Levels, with the sole aim of going through to the next step on the ladder, which is A/Levels. Here life is even more competitive, and they strive even harder, with hours spent travelling to and from tuition classes where such are available (and sometimes whole days over the weekend spent in those classes) to qualify for university.

At university they can relax, since whether they work hard or not, whether they think about their subject or not, they will get a degree. A few strive to get into Special Degree courses, and a few of these develop their thinking powers and go into academia (and some do this without developing their thinking powers to any appreciable extent). The vast majority do what is termed a General Degree, which is not really General, since they do not necessarily develop soft skills, but rather learn less than a third of what their Special Degrees counterparts do in each of three subjects. Often the combination includes something called Civilisation, and a Language, and subjects such as Sociology or Mass Communication, which should require greater specialisation if they are to be useful, rather than less than a third of a full course.

So they emerge, after usually more than three years, given that students or staff or non-academic staff are on strike for substantial periods, at different times just to ensure rest without responsibility for each other, with a degree that does not equip them for employment. Government then provides employment for them, without suitable training, so that many do not really contribute to the departments they are thrust into. Even at this stage government does not provide career guidance or training, but leaves individual administrators to help them to swim or allow them to sink. So many just spend their time dreaming about permanence, and higher salaries, as I found in many meetings at the Divisional Secretariats to which they have been allocated. Instead of hearing of the problems of the area, I had many questions about permanence, none about training programmes or skills development. Hardly any it seemed were Science Graduates, as I found when wondering whether they might help to fill the gaps in teaching of these subjects.

There was no point in being annoyed with them for their keenness to get permanent employment without anything they could do effectively. The system had created them, and the system would have to absorb them, with no effort to ensure fulfillment of whatever potential they had, or useful contributions to the society which had engendered them.

The situation my friend from England knows is very different, as indeed is the situation in the big towns, where students are helped to focus on particular careers and given additional skills that will enable them to do well in different spheres. I have written already about the importance of extra-curricular activities, to develop inter-personal and organisations skills, as well as discipline and coordination and also the ability to cope with success and failure and adjust one’s responses accordingly. But in rural areas there are hardly any extra-curricular activities, and no incentives for principals or teachers to arrange them.

Even more upsetting is the guidance that teachers should provide. We have what are termed Teacher Counsellors, and they get a modicum of training, but except in the case of a few committed souls, they do very little. There is also no concerted effort to provide the different types of guidance that are needed, with regard to careers as well as psycho-social needs.

This is understandable though, because there is nothing to guide children towards. There are no respectable alternatives to university. I use the word ‘respectable’ ironically but accurately, for teachers would not dream of directing their charges towards careers in construction or motor mechanics or farming or fishing or even as care givers.

Perhaps this is because there are no careers in such fields, only basic employment. The type of training institute we should have at least in every Division is lacking all over the country. Vocational Training Centres do not provide soft skills for those who could then move on to higher positions in the field in which they have technical skills. We do not provide those with such skills with Diplomas and even Degrees that would make clear the advanced status of their capabilities, while increasing their general capacities so that they could be employed as more than just artisans.

In short, we do not encourage youngsters to develop whatever capacities they have while adding to their general capacity to find employment. Nor do we study the different areas that are opening up for employment all over the world, and adjust accordingly the provision that is made. And so we leave children to the sausage machine which our present education system resembles, and wonder that its products are not content with the fate they have undergone.


U’grads in protest today


by Dasun Edirisinghe, The Island

Undergraduates will launch a fresh protest today (17) demanding that the government solve problems in the university sector immediately.

Convener of the Inter University Students’ Federation, the organizing body of the protest, Sanjeewa Bandara told The Island that they would begin a protest march from the Kelaniya University and begin a continuous Sathyagraha opposite the university.

"We cannot mention where the protest march will end due to security reasons," he said.

Bandara said that they will continue the Sathyagraha until the government gives into the demands of the University teachers.

The Academic calendar had been disrupted in all universities for over two months due to the strike launched by the teachers, he said.

The student activist said that before the teachers launched a strike, academic activities had been halted for one month due to a strike launched by university non-academic staff.

The government gave an assurance that it would rectify the salary anomalies and the non-academic staff ended their strike, but the government has still failed to rectify the anomalies in their salaries. "As a result, they could launch another strike in the near future," he said.

Bandara said that the government was purposely ignoring the university teachers’ problems too.

"We are demanding that the government recommence the academic activities in universities by solving problems of the university teachers and non-academic staff immediately," he said.

Bandara said that they had also started collecting signatures for a public petition demanding an immediate solution to the ongoing university crisis.

University crisis: SB accused of undermining Basil’s settlement bid


by Dasun Edirisinghe, The Island

Striking university teachers yesterday accused Higher Education Minister S. B. Dissanayake of trying to sabotage ongoing efforts, by Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, to re-commence academic activities in universities.

President of the Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA) Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri told The Island that last Friday’s discussion between Minister Basil Rajapaksa and the FUTA went on well, though Minister Dissanayake was bent on disrupting them. Dr. Dewasiri alleged that the Higher Education Minister was hindering their efforts.

An irate Dewasiri said that the FUTA wouldn’t succumb to Minister Dissanayake’s tactics and would pursue its strategy until it achieved its demands. Their main demands were allocation of 6 per cent of the GDP to education, consult university teachers when taking decisions on higher education and a pay hike. The FUTA launched its ongoing strike on July 4.

"We called for a meeting with Treasury Secretary Dr. P. B. Jayasundara and all Vice Chancellors of universities at Friday’s meeting," he said, adding that minister Rajapaksa agreed to arrange a meeting with them. The senior academic said that they would be called for the next meeting shortly.

The FUTA rejected the voluntarily arbitration offered by the Labour Department last week to solve the problem. Dr. Dewasiri said minister Rajapaksa also agreed to cancel the arbitration process.


FUTA battle: Some dons strike a discordant note


by Dasun Edirisinghe, The Island

A section of university teachers yesterday condemned the ongoing strike, by the Federation of University Teachers’ Associations (FUTA), claiming it was a joke to demand an allocation of six per cent of the GDP for education.

Addressing a press conference in Colombo, Convener of the Patriotic University Teachers’ Alliance Nemsiri Jayathilake said that the total government expenditure was 24 per cent of the GDP. He asked how the government could allocate one fourth of it for education?

"FUTA wants a salary hike, but it pretends that its strike is aimed at protecting free education," he said.

Senior lecturer Jayathilake said that FUTA claimed that according to UNESCO standards six per cent of the GDP should be allocated for education, which was not true.

The UNESCO had only stated that not less than six per cent of the GDP should be allocated for education, but had not said that the allocation should be made by the government, he said, adding that the UN body was of the view that ‘six per cent’ should come from both public and private sector.

Jayathilake said that the Examinations Department had been compelled to postpone the GCE (A/L) answer script evaluation indefinitely due to the FUTAstrike.

According to him, it was very unfair by the innocent students to boycott answer script evaluation.

"When doctors launch continuous strikes, they engage in emergency services," the senior academic said, noting that it was very unfair of FUTA to boycott all educational activities.

Jayathilake said that when FUTA struck work last year, the government had promised to increase salaries, and the university teachers got salary increments in July 2011; they would get another pay hike next month (October). President Mahinda Rajapaksa had promised to address the issue in the next budget, he said.

As most intelligent people of the country, the FUTA must solve their problems with the government through discussions, not by trade union action, he said.

Jayathilake said that a majority of university teachers had been misled by FUTA’s top officials who had a hidden agenda.

When contacted by The Island for comment FUTA President Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri said that if the FUTAhad misled university teachers, the patriotic teachers could convince the strikers and persuade them to report back for work.

"We have held discussions with several government members, including Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga, Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, Higher Education Minister S. B. Dissanayake, National Salaries and Cadre Commission and Labour Department," Dr. Dewasiri said, adding they had recognised their demands.