Friday, September 23, 2011

PMC controversy: Prof. Neville Fernando replies to GMOA

Rector/Chairman of South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine Prof. Neville Fernando referring to our news report headlined ‘PMC only intent on making money – GMOA’ published in ‘The Island’ of 13th September states:

"I thought of writing this to clear the doubts among most of the doctors, members of SLMC and public at large.

"At the moment, the PMC at Malabe has two intakes of batches in February and September. This is the schedule laid down by the parent university in Russia, according to the memorandum signed in 2008. Other purpose of taking two batches per year is due to London and local Advanced Level examinations being held in different time periods. Students sitting for Local A/Ls receive their results by December so they will be able to enter during the February intake. Whereas students sitting for London A/Ls receive their results by August, so they are able to enter during the September intake. To cite another example, Malaysia has this practice at present. Therefore one could understand that this is not a money making institute.

"In addition, permanent lecturers, professors and guest lecturers are given attractive salaries without affecting their commitment to State universities.

"The statement that the Government provided SAITM with 600 million is false. A loan was taken from BoC to secure the land and construct the teaching hospital.

"GMOA must understand that each student is paying semester by semester only, not for the whole course at once as suggested.

PMC was started in 2009 by Dr. Neville Fernando, who is an honourable person with a decent and honest track record. SAITM was started with his own money contrary to false allegations regarding a Sakvithi like drama, spread allegedly by GMOA executive members.

"Only a handful of GMOA members are absolute relativists against PMCs.

"Clinical training hospital is coming up in the vicinity, with the idea of opening to the public in March. Then the SLMC can monitor the professorial units to assess whether they have good clinical material and good lectures and professors. It is a matter of monitoring the next few years.

"Most of the requirements of the Gazette notification (lecturers, auditorium, laboratories, library etc.) have already been completed and the UGC approved these. Anatomy block is excellent. The gazette notification has given 18 months to fulfil these guidelines and open the Teaching Hospital. However we will make sure that their clinical training in the newly built Teaching Hospital will be excellent.

"Once SAITM complete the construction of the teaching hospital in Malabe and the clinical teaching staff is recruited, recognition from the SLMC will be sought."

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