Saturday, October 11, 2014

S. B. and universities


One wonders whether Minister S. B. Disanayake is fit to hold that exalted position. The recent incidents at the Sabaragamuwa University and his reaction prove that he lacks the maturity, forbearance and sober contemplation, which are hallmarks of such a responsible position.

No one would deny that the universities of the country have become hotbeds of intolerance, frustration and dissension. These developments are the cumulative result of the radicalization of youth over the years. The general neglect of university education by successive governments which have not provided sufficient funds to meet the needs of the universities such as reasonable remuneration for the academic and non-academic staff and outdated courses of study have also contributed to this situation.

Anyone who holds the higher education portfolio should study these problems, consult the parties involved, cultivate mutual understanding and take steps to broaden the resource base. For this approach to bear fruit, the person, who venture into this chaotic maelstrom should possess, far seeing sagacity, immense patience, tolerance and most of all, he or she should possess winning ways to instill respect, and acceptance in the minds of the parties concerned.

These are the very qualities S. B. sadly lacks. He has been tilting at windmills.

Here I must hasten to add that I do not condone at all the vise-like grip the JVP-controlled Student Unions and their break away fraction have on the universities.

The minister should realize that there are other stakeholders in the system, whose confidence he should win. He also should realise that there are vexed problems which he should solve because these are exploited by the student unions. But, instead of finding solutions, he turns abusive at the drop of a hat and calls his critics names.

Sometime back when S. B. was the National organiser of the UNP he advocated a ‘little bit of authoritarianism’ in any field to achieve success. Is S. B. doling out his own medicine in the restricted space of his ‘little empire’?

Ariyawansa Ranaweera

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